MAD, Making a Difference

That’s right, because they’re relatively scarce, we’re saying that homes with the qualities needed to profitably produce energy independent levels of solar electricity are worth more than other homes by at least 2 or 3%…whether you put solar panels on it or not.

We make this claim due to the eventual incomes these homes will produce coupled with the social value added for reducing carbon footprints and providing the potential for energy independence. The 7 billion dollars in EPA solar initiatives are simply an added bonus!

But what we’re really investing in here is the future value of electricity and what that’ll be is anyone’s guess!

If this isn’t enough to convince anyone that solar potentials are a good investment, consider this…

For you, the home builder, marketing solar potentials won’t require additional materials, more contractors or unnecessary risk. Solar potentials simply just are and they’re randomly built into certain homes…the only additional investment you need to make, in time or money, is an email to us and the certification fee of $299.

The marketing alone is worth that!

Solar potentials are not only easy for you, the home builder, they’re easy for the homeowner as well! Solar potentials are the only maintenance free, income generating investment a homeowner can make and they won’t wear out or go out of style!

Contact us today to schedule your certifications!

Efficient Living, Inc, dba Madhouse is a franchise company and as such, each office is independently owned and operated. Copyright ©2024 Efficient Living Inc.

Efficient Living Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!

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