MAD, Making a Difference

Some homebuyers insist in the very best. Whether its location, style or solar poetwrThe latest generation of homebuyers are ready to make profitable, socially responsible investments in their future.

Because it can generate profits as well as carbon neutrality and energy independence, solar energy is an investment many want to make but don’t because of the level of commitment it requires.

While financial incentives are making solar technology affordable, its more effort than it’s worth in today’s energy market for most homeowners.

But many know this won’t always be the case as homeowners are open to making long term investments in solar energy, they just aren’t ready for solar panels!

Fortunately, you need more than solar panels to produce solar energy…you need sunshine too and now, we can market it through the use of MAD certifications!

Are we MAD? How and why would you market sunshine?

Rooftop solar panel efficiency, or “Solar Potential”, is directly related to how much sunshine a home can harvest and some homes can naturally harvest a lot more of it than others.

The more sunshine a home can harvest, the more electricity it can potentially generate and therefore, the more income it can produce.

This is the definition of value!

Because some homes offer substantially more income producing “Solar Potential” than others, sunshine is a commodity worth trading in!

But before “Solar Potentials” can be marketed, we must identify the homes that offer it, grade their efficiency and then certify it to make it a tangible asset.

This is what we do…we’re MAD and we identify, grade and certify Solar Potentials so they can be invested in.

Efficient Living, Inc, dba Madhouse is a franchise company and as such, each office is independently owned and operated. Copyright ©2024 Efficient Living Inc.

Efficient Living Inc. is an equal opportunity employer!

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